Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Quick Update

The internet is being really dumb tonight, so I'll just give a real quick update and then expand in the morning (assuming the internet is working)!

Russia is at a bit of a stand still at the moment. I found out that I can't get my visa here in Munich because I have to submit an application that takes two weeks to process AND they have to keep my passport the whole time - no good. I am trying to find out if there is anywhere that I can go to get it processed in a day. I am trying to be hopeful, but the realist in me isn't.

Yesterday I did a walking tour of Munich and went to dinner at a bier haus with my new friend Lisa. Today I went a town about two hours away and visited two of the royal castles. I'm uploading pictures on facebook and for those of you who don't have access, the link to the third album is below. I update my albums each day pretty much so always check my links to see if there is anything new!

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